Monday, April 23, 2012

Meet Bob and Sally

The Man - Bob*

Origins: He is a brand new sign which has just replaced a lost one as the male sign on a toilet door in a public place. Up until this point he has only ever seen men and his life has been solitary and lonely. But as he’s new he is brimming with confidence and is very excited about being able to do his job of standing as the sign. 
Flaws: He is over confident and slightly arrogant, in his eyes he is invincible. However he is also very small in the world of humans. He also believes Sally will defiantly say yes to him, theres no room for error when it comes to Sally. 
Personality Traits: He is confident - especially in his abilities of romance, despite never having encountered a woman before. He is also athletic being strong, fast and flexible. He is a bit of a dreamer, having day dreams of the woman he loves. 
Physical Design: He is all black as he is a sign, and from the front looks to be similar to how the sign would look. However from the side he is a bit muscular and more defined than a basic cylindrical shape that the sign would be. 
Hows He Fits into the Environment: He is the toilet door sign for men. He is in the environment because he is completing this task. When he is in other environments it is because he is fantasizing about being on a date with his dream woman and these environments would typically be romantic type places where couples would go on dates. 
The Woman - Sally*

Origins: She is seen as the woman sign opposite the man sign, we don’t find out how long she’s been there for or where she was before this. 
Flaws: She is physically placed very far away from the male sign which is an obstacle in their romance. 
Personality Traits: She seems to be flirtatious from far away, flaunting her womanly body. She is also not in love with the male sign.
Physical Design: She has the typical dress of the woman sign on which will be brought in a little at the waist because she is slim and has a womanly shape. From the side she will also have ample boobs. 
How She Fits into the Environment: She is seen as the counterpart in the environment to the male. She is doing her job as the woman sign and is going on dates with the man.

*Names may change

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