Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Every Day #271
Lab 2: Redefining the Brief #251
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Modeling and Texturing #241
I then added texture and a bump map. I chose my texture based off the research I did on Patricia Puccini. She did an installation called Swell which focused on the ocean and its movements and colours. I really liked the colours used in this and thought that since my blobs were meant to be fluid using the colour of the ocean and then applying a bump map of different ocean waves would portray this.
The effect of the texture and bump map was that the blobs were fluid in both form and texture but not in an obvious way. The ocean and water images used to create the effect were not that obvious either, which I liked.
I was playing around with how textures would look from far away and close up and from various angles. I liked the above image as you see the texture of one in extreme close up but you also see the other one in a not as close way. I also like how this angle shows the green one as being more dominant than the blue. I think I will use this angle as a camera shot in my final film.
This is the opposite shot to the one above where the blue one is close to the camera but the green one is far away. I like it for the same reasons as above but the green one still looks more dominant than the blue one. This is also an interesting angle which I might use for my final film.
Lynda Tutorials #241
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Critical Analysis Final #CCDN271 #Assign1
Monday, March 19, 2012
Designed Objects Part Two #251
Brainbox: The World. Childrens game aimed at improving observation and visual cognition. Players are shown cards with various scenes on them and are then asked questions about what they observed.
Images top to bottom:
Definitions #251
Cognition is "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses." Results of this include perception, sensation, notion, or intuition.
Memory is a "person's power to remember things" or "something remembered from the past; a recollection"
So to link it together cognition is the action of processing information or information through various means and this information is then stored as a memory to be recollected/used later.
Designed Objects part one #251
The Nintendo DS Brain Trainer. This is a game with memory exersices designed to improve ones memory. It does this by engaging the user in fun and interactive activities on concentration and visual association.
Shoezooz. These are fun stickers for children to put in their shoes. It helps them to remember which shoe goes on which foot by matching the picture. This in turn helps them to remember their left and right.
The L for Left hand gesture. This old trick is a way of helping children to remember their lefts and rights by being able to distinguish an L on the left hand. This is less of a designed object and more of a reminder. But it is one of the earliest ways we train our memories so I felt it was important to mention.
Images top to bottom:
Lab 1: Observation of Behavior #251
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Lab 1: Introspective #251
Arriving: Before:
I noticed that there were so many flies at the moment and that they are very irritating. I realized the bread is stale, but its brand new so I talk to my mum about it. I wonder if there’s any power on my laptop, I begin to stress about my power cable, its not working properly at the moment so I have to get a new one,
Monday, March 12, 2012
Abstract Brainstorming #271
In my first tutorial for this class we were given the task of writing about why we got into design, why we were where we were. From this little piece of ourselves we were then asked to select up to three words that we found most important or meaningful to us - someone in the class through about the term 'essence of haiku' as a term for what we were doing. We then used these three words as the basis for a brainstorm to help us come up with something we wanted to look at for our projects. It gave us individual direction for a very broad brief. I put boxes around things I potentially wanted to research further.
The image would not display the edges of my brainstorm. But at the bottom of the brainstorm is a piece about Tobi Wong who I would like to investigate further as he has links to Critical Design as thats where I first heard of him but also seems very into it when it comes to the world/politics and making statements.
Tobi Wong and the Ballistic Rose #271
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Refined and FINAL Concepts #241
2. Read images left to right: An interesting shaped curvaceous star like object is slowly pulsating, the camera moves around the object (slide 1). The object begins to pulsate and roll a bit faster, small spots similar to boiling water begin to appear (slide 2). The blob begins to become aggravated and boil more, holes start to form in the object (slide 3-4). The camera is slowly roaming around the object watching this take place. The object begins to turn into a lava like shade, its still boiling and blubbering but it seems to be cooling into a linear, angry like object until it freezes into this shape completely (slide 5-6).
3. Read images left to right: Two slightly pulsating blobs are sliding towards each other (slides 1-3). When they meet they begin to push together in a type of battle to pass through one another and when they touch they begin to harden into a metal instead of a liquid, the more they push together the more metallic they become (slide 4-5). Eventually they've pushed into each other to the point where they merge into one, in this state they are full metal, however we can see that the blobs are still moving, trying to push through one another (slide 6). The blobs eventually emerge from the other side after successfully pushing through each other and slowly turn back to their original states, the further from each other they get (slides 7-11).
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Initial Ideas #241
Psychology Topics #251
Materiality Exploration #241
Images from: