Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Every Day #271

As I was getting ready this morning I picked up my cellphone from my bedside table and loaded it into my bag. I was a little bit stressed as I have a big assignment due soon. I've noticed that the more I have going on, the more stuff accumulates on my bedside table. When we were discussing the everyday the bedside table came up frequently which intrigued me so I took a photo of my own. 

Lab 2: Redefining the Brief #251

I want to address the relationship people have with their keys and what it means to them. In my observations I noticed that the my first subject only put her keys in 3 or 4 locations which made it easy to find them should the need arise. The second subject lost his keys frequently and always had to use the spare. This was despite efforts to make sure they could be easily found e.g. having a lanyard attached to them. My third subject always kept her keys in her pocket, no matter where she was or what she was doing. 

To address this relationship, I would like to use visual cognition involving colour theory to enable to user to recollect with ease where they put their keys. 

A friend of mine mentioned that he’d heard about colour and its use in studying for specific subjects. For example when a person was studying for maths they would wear a red wrist band and write in red or on red paper. Then in the test they would wear the red wrist band and through this the colour would help them to recall what they learnt as they associated the colour red with their mathematic studies. I could not find studies to support this specific theory but I did learn that there was significant research into colour theory and its use in memory recollection and emotive manipulation.

I would like to apply these theories and utilize the idea my friend mentioned above to helping people associate a colour with an object and then use this to recollect where they put it.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Modeling and Texturing #241

 My concept designs involve two blobs which move toward each other. I used polygonal spheres which  manipulated to create an object which was not a straight sphere. I did this by manipulating the vertices using soft selection.
 I then added texture and a bump map. I chose my texture based off the research I did on Patricia Puccini. She did an installation called Swell which focused on the ocean and its movements and colours. I really liked the colours used in this and thought that since my blobs were meant to be fluid using the colour of the ocean and then applying a bump map of different ocean waves would portray this.
 The effect of the texture and bump map was that the blobs were fluid in both form and texture but not in an obvious way. The ocean and water images used to create the effect were not that obvious either, which I liked.
 I was playing around with how textures would look from far away and close up and from various angles. I liked the above image as you see the texture of one in extreme close up but you also see the other one in a not as close way. I also like how this angle shows the green one as being more dominant than the blue. I think I will use this angle as a camera shot in my final film.
This is the opposite shot to the one above where the blue one is close to the camera but the green one is far away. I like it for the same reasons as above but the green one still looks more dominant than the blue one. This is also an interesting angle which I might use for my final film.

Lynda Tutorials #241

I found it very hard to keep up with what was being said in the lectures so Lynda Tutorials became a huge savior. I did every tutorial available and found them to be incredibly helpful. I took notes in a notebook so that I could refer to them later on if I needed. This helped me to take in large amounts of what was being said in the tutorials. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Critical Analysis Final #CCDN271 #Assign1

Tobias Wong’s Collective Works: A Sample Of                                   Ashleigh Blakemore: 300187284
Tobias Wong is a critical designer whose work is labeled ‘paraconceptual’, a term made up by the designer himself. It means an object being related to or partially conceptual, with Wong believing that conceptual work “lacked an appreciation of beauty, aesthetics and a desire for consumption” (Wong, 2002). This belief is clearly displayed by Wong in all his work - particularly in the works Ballistic Rose and This is a Lamp

His work the Ballistic Rose is a statement about protection from the uncertainties of our world. Wong appears be interested in youth subculture being heavily influenced by military, a sentiment reflected in youth fashion that was utilizing typically defensive fabrics, such as disruptive pattern material, to make the garments (Unknown, 2004). Wong capitalizes on this use of defensive material by using Kevlar for the Ballistic Rose as a way to point out the normalizing of these fabrics and military ideas in youth culture. The kevlar is strong and protective and in stark contrast to the rose which is fragile and delicate which creates an interesting result. The piece is strongly critical of the designs being produced at the time which Wong viewed as glamorizing war and violence. I think the piece could also be taken as being ridiculous, who would wear a rose brooch to stop a bullet? But I feel that this is the effect Wong wanted to have. He wanted to spark debate over the measures we take to protect ourselves and point out how we justify the use of military fabrics in our everyday wear by claiming fear of the uncertain. I believe the piece is also paraconceptual as it is pretty - the rose design is fluid and soft, functional - it will stop a bullet and ready for consumption  by being mass produced and available for purchase from the Museum of Modern Art.

Wong is also highly critical of design promoting consumer culture. He felt that designers had come out of touch with originality because they were constantly designing things purely for consumption. Wong uses his piece This is a Lamp to show that consumption doesn’t have to mean replace, which is what most people do when they consume new objects, they replace their old ones (Wong, 2001). He did this by using the Bubble Club Chair designed by Philippe Starck, a design which is not very original, it looks just like a chair with no distinct changes or improvements. This lack of originality in the chair design made it perfect for Wong to hijack, turning it into a lamp. I think Wong was clever in how he consumed the chair, he did not alter the shape of the chair in order to suit the needs of the lamp, yet the design is still highly functional and aesthetically pleasing. The only noticeable difference is a nondescript on/off cord on one side. Its out of the way of the arm rest but close enough that in keeping with a chair theme, should the user of the chair need to turn it on or off it is easily accessible. Changing the function of the chair both made it an original product and demonstrated his critique that a consumption that was not just a replacement of an object. 

Overall I view works by Tobias Wong as being paraconceptual whilst also clearly demonstrating critical design. This is because he uses his designs to create debate about issues he views as important and he challenges assumptions about both consumers and designers. In his words he wants to “challenge the design world the same way Duchamp challenged the art world” an idea which I believe that he consistently did across his work (Walker, 2008).

Walker, R. (2008). Tobias Wong on Consuming Consumer Culture. Retrieved on March 20, 2012 from
Wong, T. (2002). Paraconceptual. Retrieved on March 15, 2012 from
Wong, T. (2001). This is a Lamp: Isn’t it Romantic?. Retrieved on March 22, 2012 from
Unknown.  (2004).  Citizen: Ballistic Rose. Retrieved on March 15, 2012 from
Unknown photographer. Ballistic Rose Image. Retrieved on March 25, 2012 from
Unknown Photographer. This is a lamp Image. Retrieved on March 25, 2012 from

Monday, March 19, 2012

Designed Objects Part Two #251

 VelvaSoft Discovery Tray. This tray relies on being tactile and visually stimulating. It helps to improve visual cognition in low-vision or autistic persons. It is also used for improving social cognition and language skills.
Brainbox: The World. Childrens game aimed at improving observation and visual cognition. Players are shown cards with various scenes on them and are then asked questions about what they observed.

Images top to bottom:

Definitions #251

I knew that I wanted to focus on cognition: memory for my in depth psychology study as part of the first assignment. I did some of the tests and read information on the link given in the brief. I then started looking at designed objects that I thought addressed memory. However I didn't exactly understand either cognition or memory so I decided to look up their definitions to give me a sentence to get my understanding going. 

Cognition is "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experienceand the senses." Results of this include perception, sensation, notion, or intuition. 

Memory is a "person's power to remember things" or "something remembered from the past; a recollection" 

So to link it together cognition is the action of processing information or information through various means and this information is then stored as a memory to be recollected/used later. 

Designed Objects part one #251

The Nintendo DS Brain Trainer. This is a game with memory exersices designed to improve ones memory. It does this by engaging the user in fun and interactive activities on concentration and visual association.

 The Key Ring Finder. This object helps users remember where they put objects by allowing the user to push a button then listen out for the beeping and flashing of the missing object which has a finder attached to it. This is less of a memory trainer and more of a helper.

 Shoezooz. These are fun stickers for children to put in their shoes. It helps them to remember which shoe goes on which foot by matching the picture. This in turn helps them to remember their left and right.

 The Pill Box. This box is in compartments labelled with days of the week. They help elderly people or people on strict pill schedules to take their pills on set days without getting confused.
The L for Left hand gesture. This old trick is a way of helping children to remember their lefts and rights by being able to distinguish an L on the left hand. This is less of a designed object and more of a reminder. But it is one of the earliest ways we train our memories so I felt it was important to mention.

Images top to bottom:

Lab 1: Observation of Behavior #251

For the second part of the lab I had to observe behavior of one of my classmates for one minute before and one minute after leaving and arriving home. I took photos of the whole thing and later I thought about obvious things I observed and then I looked at photos and picked up on other subtle observations, or things that reaffirmed my ideas in my initial observations. This is what I observed:

Arriving Home:
One minute before
My subject is walking home, looks neutral, nothing really worrying or exciting about it. He has a drink bottle in hand, its been drunk out of so I assume that he does a lot of walking or long time consuming travel which mean he doesn’t want to get thirsty, it’s also a pump bottle but is missing the leakage cap so I assume that its been refilled and is not new leading me to believe that the subject always carries around water. I notice that he has not got a key, he looks around his bag for what I assume is a key before getting the spare one from the secret location on the porch. Is this normal? Does he not remember where he put his key or did he forget it this morning?
One minute after
Once inside he takes his shoes off. I notice a large stack of shoes in shelves near the door, this is clearly a house rule. The shoes are also very worn meaning they’re probably the shoes used most or his favorite shoes, he cares for them by undoing the laces before taking them off. He goes upstairs, he puts his bag down on his bed and gets out a writing book, pen and ipod. It looks like he is going to do some uni work. He goes back downstairs and puts these on the table, there is no desk in the room so he doesn’t do work in his room, maybe he prefers the more sociable environment of the kitchen or dining area. It also seems very natural, like this is a daily routine. He then goes to the bathroom backing up my hypothesis that he drinks a lot of water and that his bottle is not new. 

Leaving Home:
One minute before
He closes up the back door, picks up the cat and shuts it in the kitchen, this looks like routine and is probably another house rule. He is also very caring towards the cat, patting it and gently carrying it into the kitchen, maybe its a fond childhood pet or old. He looks in a drawer for something, he’s looking at a bunch of keys, maybe looking for a house key? but cannot find what he’s looking for. he goes upstairs and looks in a different draw and still comes away empty handed. He goes into his room and looks in his bag, nothing of interest their either. He struggles to close the bag, its a bit full and the clips look a bit fiddly. He goes downstairs and puts on his shoes, the same shoes that he left near the door when he arrived, his bag keeps falling in the way, he takes it off but it catches on his hood, subject looks visibly frustrated as if this happens a lot. 
One minute after
He uses the key from the secret place again to lock the door, this reaffirms my belief that he was looking for a house key in the drawers before he left and cannot find his own. He begins walking He then readjusts his bag to a more convenient position, this may be to distribute the weight more effectively, or to put it in a place thats out of the way of his legs, it seems like it might not be the most efficient bag for what is in it on this particular day. He then walks down the street, its unhurried and casual in manner. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lab 1: Introspective #251

I observed myself for one minute before and after leaving and arriving home. I took photos as I went and I wrote down what I was thinking about and wanted as soon as I had finished.

Leaving: Before: I was rushing, checked the time and I was late. My hair was sore because I just brushed it and it kept getting caught, I hate brushing wet hair. I decided I wouldn’t take food, I didn’t have enough time and I wouldn’t be at Uni that long anyway. I chucked my books in my bag, I had to think about if I had everything, i’m meeting a friend today to swap my hard drive and get a new book so I need those things. My bag doesn’t close so I force it shut, I love this bag except it doesn’t hold enough and the next sized bag I has is too big. I make sure I have my ipod, I leave it out with my phone. I pick them up and turn my light off, I say good bye to my little brother who’s in the kitchen. He gives me a hug, this makes me happy since I like hugs. I tell him he can finish my cordial, its black current flavor, he says its yum. I unlock the back door and leave.
Leaving: After: Got outside, ran over what I was doing today - class at 9.30, meeting friend at 11, hang out with my boyfriend till he starts work, maybe have a maya learning session. I think about staying at my boyfriends tonight, I could cook us chicken fried rice for tea with cashews. Yum. I have my ipod playing now, but rap is playing, I change the song and check the time. Im on track. Its a bit cold wish, i’d bought a different jersey since it will be colder in Wellington. 

Arriving: Before:

I was really scared because I don’t like dogs and after saying goodbye to my friend who lives down the road I ran into a big stray one which showed its teeth to me. I checked the mail, there was a newspaper and a dominos flyer, reminded me I had cold pizza in my boyfriends fridge leftover from our Tuesday pizza nights. I looked for specials for next week which i’m already really excited about. I miss my boyfriend and already want to see him again. I noticed that my parents were both home. I said hi to my cat who was under the car. My little brother had his bike out so that means everyones going to the 
BMX track. I thought about what we would 
be having for dinner. I searched for my keys in my bag, got irritated that it took ages, why is my bag so big and unorganized! 

Arriving: After:
Got inside, put down the mail, chucked my bag in my room, its clean but I think i should open my curtains a bit more. I was really hungry even though I had had pancakes for breakfast a few hours earlier so I went and looked at the fridge. There was ham and cheese so I decide to make my self a sandwich. My dad said that we were having toasties for dinner but I decide to have the sandwich anyway, i’m so hungry. I was thinking about who did the dishes last because they weren’t done well.

 I noticed that there were so many flies at the moment and that they are very irritating. I realized the bread is stale, but its brand new so I talk to my mum about it. I wonder if there’s any power on my laptop, I begin to stress about my power cable, its not working properly at the moment so I have to get a new one, 
its going to cost a lot and I don’t have much spare money. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Abstract Brainstorming #271

In my first tutorial for this class we were given the task of writing about why we got into design, why we were where we were. From this little piece of ourselves we were then asked to select up to three words that we found most important or meaningful to us - someone in the class through about the term 'essence of haiku' as a term for what we were doing. We then used these three words as the basis for a brainstorm to help us come up with something we wanted to look at for our projects. It gave us individual direction for a very broad brief. I put boxes around things I potentially wanted to research further.

The image would not display the edges of my brainstorm. But at the bottom of the brainstorm is a piece about Tobi Wong who I would like to investigate further as he has links to Critical Design as thats where I first heard of him but also seems very into it when it comes to the world/politics and making statements.

Tobi Wong and the Ballistic Rose #271

Tobi Wong was born Donald Tobias Wong on June 10, 1974 – May 30, 2010 in Canada. He studied Art and Architecture first in Canada then later in New York. Subversive art movements such as Dada and Fluxus influenced the type of work he enjoyed. He was also known for using work by others and used the word paraconeptual to describe the work he did. 
On May 30 2010 Wong was found dead at the age of 35, officially of suicide (he hung himself) in his New York apartment. Wong had suffered a condition called Parasomnia which is the ability to perform elaborate tasks like cooking 3 course meals and in the end hanging himself while during a state of sleep. 

It is interesting that he called his work paraconceptual as 'para' means 'to protect' e.g. parachute and he had protect me from what I want tattooed onto his arm.  Another meaning for para is the greek prefix origin which has it mean beside, adjacent and resembling and also abnormal. This is fitting for Wongs work as his work was described as "working alongside the mainstream and resembling it, but also subverting the mainstream with beautiful abnormality."

One of my favorite pieces of work by Tobi Wong is called the Ballistic Rose, a rose made of bullet proof material and worn as a brooch. It is meant to protect the wearers vital organs from tragedy. Once again in Tobi Wongs work there is the theme of protection. 

Information on Tobi Wong acquired from: 

Images from top to bottom aquired from:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Refined and FINAL Concepts #241

1. Read images left to right: There is a spherical ball which the camera slowly moves in on (slide 1). A small indentation in the ball appears, the camera is slowly heading towards it while the indentation gets bigger (slides 2-5). Eventually the camera passes through the hole (slide 7). The camera then flips over and the object it passed through is part of a chain, this time the camera is moving away from the object (slide 8-9). The chain then starts to morph together (slide 10) until it begins to wiggle away out of the shot (slide 11-12).

2. Read images left to right: An interesting shaped curvaceous star like object is slowly pulsating, the camera moves around the object (slide 1). The object begins to pulsate and roll a bit faster, small spots similar to boiling water begin to appear (slide 2). The blob begins to become aggravated and boil more, holes start to form in the object (slide 3-4). The camera is slowly roaming around the object watching this take place. The object begins to turn into a lava like shade, its still boiling and blubbering but it seems to be cooling into a linear, angry like object until it freezes into this shape completely (slide 5-6).

3. Read images left to right: Two slightly pulsating blobs are sliding towards each other (slides 1-3). When they meet they begin to push together in a type of battle to pass through one another and when they touch they begin to harden into a metal instead of a liquid, the more they push together the more metallic they become (slide 4-5). Eventually they've pushed into each other to the point where they merge into one, in this state they are full metal, however we can see that the blobs are still moving, trying to push through one another (slide 6). The blobs eventually emerge from the other side after successfully pushing through each other and slowly turn back to their original states, the further from each other they get (slides 7-11).

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Initial Ideas #241

I quickly sketched out five basic ideas I had from looking at the way Patricia Piccini uses form and how texture is used in her designs. I included a basic description of what I wanted to happen in each segment of the animation.
I noticed that I was particularly influenced by the fluidity of her forms as most of my designs started out as a fluid object before either becoming a hard metalic like object or turning into a different type of fluid form.

Psychology Topics #251

In order to choose a psychology topic (Emotions: Surprise, Behavior: Persuasion, Cognition: Memory) I wanted to look at all the topics to make a decision based on the one which I found to be the most interesting. To do this I had a look at some of the website provided and did tests/readings based on all the topics.

The first thing I did was have a look at persuasion. I looked at this on My Yes Score . I found that I didn't particularly enjoy this topic when compared to the others. I found it interesting listening to the man in the video talk about the studies and the way people are persuaded to do certain things however I wasn't very surprised that I was given a 33% persuasion score at the end as I don't believe that I am very persuasive to strangers. I did notice though that as I went through the test and started to learn more about what does influence people I became more conscious of the answers I was choosing, I started to put my self into the head space of customers/clients. This then resulted in an increase in the amount of questions I was getting correct.

This was the third question in the test. I guessed three but this was incorrect it is actually six. The next slide then asks which of four groups contain the correct six. I did guess this correctly as I tried to envision what I liked about people who sell you things, people who I see as typically highly persuasive.

To answer the above question, question 7, I thought about all the programs I have joined and why I liked them. I decided that options A and B was the answer, this was correct. This has made me aware of the fact that coffee cards and other such loyalty programs are just ways to persuade customers to return, something which I did know, but had never really given much thought to.

I then looked at the face perception test on the BBC website. This questioner asked you to rate yourself on a scale to determine your own level of extroversion or introversion. This was the first part of what I would say is a three part questioner. I needed to do this in order to then have something to compare with once I had done parts two and three which are my preferences in potential partners.

After this I had to do the same but based on what i'm looking for in potential partners. The third part involved looking at 20 different images. Each image had two faces which were identical except for some small alteration. I had to say which one I preferred be it, slightly prefer, prefer, strongly prefer ect. At the end of this there are the results of what you selected and where you place amongst others who have taken the test.

The image tests were to determine what physical attributes you like because physical attributes/expressions on people show wether or not they are an introvert or an extrovert and this influences how attractive we find a person. For me personally my results show that I am an extrovert and am attracted to men who have an extroverted personality.

The last thing I looked at I found to be the most interesting and most enjoyable. I was the topic of cognition: memory. For this one I did memory tests on Open Learn. I decided to do the test involving the observation section of memory.
This required me to watch a short 30 second video of a bank robbery. I was informed I would be tested on it after I viewed it which later I found out would influence how I watched the images. After watching the video I was asked questions which tested how observant I was during the viewing.
At the end of this all my results were tallied up and I was informed that I have an excellent memory. I was very proud of this and because of this was most intrigued. Why is it that I have such an excellent memory? Is it because I was told I was going to be tested or because I am just naturally observant?

After completing all these tests I decided that the one thing that was most interesting to me and something I would like to learn more about is cognition, specifically memory. I would like to know more about why we remember specific things as I think that this will be an important skill applicable to my field of design.

Materiality Exploration #241

I wanted to look at a large amount of textures close together to see how they look next to each other. I am particularly interested in the water type textures and the scratched metal type textures. I think they work well together. However I like the colour of the fire textures. In Patricia Piccini's work Swell she uses the water form to look at motion, which is where I got the idea to use water as a texture. I also think that without a horizon line and on an animated model the ability to pick that the texture is from an ocean will be taken away leaving an interesting texture for my object. The oranges and reds I like about fire came from her Vespa works however have lost their smoothness and sleek feel which I quite like. I decided to have a look at metallic textures because of the Bronze works Piccini did. Instead of looking at bronze or gold looking metals I was more interested in silvery metals, I looked at smooth ones but I decided that the scratched metals were more appealing as they had more of a story. However as much as i'd like to do scratched metal I might not be able to animate these textures so I might use a smooth metal instead.

Images from:


Artist Model: Patricia Piccinini #241

For the first project I have decided to use Patricia Piccinini as my artist model. As seen previously posted she has some very interesting and unique works. I have found these on her website. There is so much to look at on here but after looking at all her works in the archive I have decided to focus my designs based off her works in Vespas such as The Lovers (2011) and The Stags (2008) and her works with Bronze such as The Uprising (2008) and A Deeply Held Breath (2009). I will also be looking at her work Swell (as seen in the above image) which is a photographic project looking at the motion of waves. I like this project of hers because I find the textures she is showing in her photos to be highly interesting and I will explore the idea of water based texture further.

Materiality and Form #241

One of the things I liked most about Patricia Piccinini was the way her sculptures used texture as well as form to emphasise her objects. The first lot of designs by patricia as posted earlier I liked because of their form. Especially those involving her Vespas. However her works in the Bronzes was where I really liked her use of texture.
I liked that these sculptures were both shiny and rough. They looked smooth but they have an element of jaggedness, having many peaks and troughs which reflect the light off the Bronze in a very interesting way.
Images Above: The Uprising (2008), Below: A Deeply Held Breath (2009)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Researching Precedents #241

Images above: The Stag(2008) Patricia Piccini
I looked at all the designers that we were given as possible precedents (Patricia Piccini, Jason Deamer and Damian Hurst). After looking at their designs, I decided that Patricia Piccini would be the best person for me to be inspired by. Her designs such as this one below:

taken from her exhibition Swell, displayed here at the Artspace in Sydney, make me think about how ordinary things such as waves, what I believe these images are, and capture them in a way that makes the texture and colour and form stand out. Another example of Patricia Puccini doing this is in her Vespa works specifically in the pieces titled The Lovers (2011) and The Stag (2008).
Images above: The Lovers (2011) Patricia Piccini