Saturday, March 10, 2012

Psychology Topics #251

In order to choose a psychology topic (Emotions: Surprise, Behavior: Persuasion, Cognition: Memory) I wanted to look at all the topics to make a decision based on the one which I found to be the most interesting. To do this I had a look at some of the website provided and did tests/readings based on all the topics.

The first thing I did was have a look at persuasion. I looked at this on My Yes Score . I found that I didn't particularly enjoy this topic when compared to the others. I found it interesting listening to the man in the video talk about the studies and the way people are persuaded to do certain things however I wasn't very surprised that I was given a 33% persuasion score at the end as I don't believe that I am very persuasive to strangers. I did notice though that as I went through the test and started to learn more about what does influence people I became more conscious of the answers I was choosing, I started to put my self into the head space of customers/clients. This then resulted in an increase in the amount of questions I was getting correct.

This was the third question in the test. I guessed three but this was incorrect it is actually six. The next slide then asks which of four groups contain the correct six. I did guess this correctly as I tried to envision what I liked about people who sell you things, people who I see as typically highly persuasive.

To answer the above question, question 7, I thought about all the programs I have joined and why I liked them. I decided that options A and B was the answer, this was correct. This has made me aware of the fact that coffee cards and other such loyalty programs are just ways to persuade customers to return, something which I did know, but had never really given much thought to.

I then looked at the face perception test on the BBC website. This questioner asked you to rate yourself on a scale to determine your own level of extroversion or introversion. This was the first part of what I would say is a three part questioner. I needed to do this in order to then have something to compare with once I had done parts two and three which are my preferences in potential partners.

After this I had to do the same but based on what i'm looking for in potential partners. The third part involved looking at 20 different images. Each image had two faces which were identical except for some small alteration. I had to say which one I preferred be it, slightly prefer, prefer, strongly prefer ect. At the end of this there are the results of what you selected and where you place amongst others who have taken the test.

The image tests were to determine what physical attributes you like because physical attributes/expressions on people show wether or not they are an introvert or an extrovert and this influences how attractive we find a person. For me personally my results show that I am an extrovert and am attracted to men who have an extroverted personality.

The last thing I looked at I found to be the most interesting and most enjoyable. I was the topic of cognition: memory. For this one I did memory tests on Open Learn. I decided to do the test involving the observation section of memory.
This required me to watch a short 30 second video of a bank robbery. I was informed I would be tested on it after I viewed it which later I found out would influence how I watched the images. After watching the video I was asked questions which tested how observant I was during the viewing.
At the end of this all my results were tallied up and I was informed that I have an excellent memory. I was very proud of this and because of this was most intrigued. Why is it that I have such an excellent memory? Is it because I was told I was going to be tested or because I am just naturally observant?

After completing all these tests I decided that the one thing that was most interesting to me and something I would like to learn more about is cognition, specifically memory. I would like to know more about why we remember specific things as I think that this will be an important skill applicable to my field of design.

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