Sunday, March 11, 2012

Refined and FINAL Concepts #241

1. Read images left to right: There is a spherical ball which the camera slowly moves in on (slide 1). A small indentation in the ball appears, the camera is slowly heading towards it while the indentation gets bigger (slides 2-5). Eventually the camera passes through the hole (slide 7). The camera then flips over and the object it passed through is part of a chain, this time the camera is moving away from the object (slide 8-9). The chain then starts to morph together (slide 10) until it begins to wiggle away out of the shot (slide 11-12).

2. Read images left to right: An interesting shaped curvaceous star like object is slowly pulsating, the camera moves around the object (slide 1). The object begins to pulsate and roll a bit faster, small spots similar to boiling water begin to appear (slide 2). The blob begins to become aggravated and boil more, holes start to form in the object (slide 3-4). The camera is slowly roaming around the object watching this take place. The object begins to turn into a lava like shade, its still boiling and blubbering but it seems to be cooling into a linear, angry like object until it freezes into this shape completely (slide 5-6).

3. Read images left to right: Two slightly pulsating blobs are sliding towards each other (slides 1-3). When they meet they begin to push together in a type of battle to pass through one another and when they touch they begin to harden into a metal instead of a liquid, the more they push together the more metallic they become (slide 4-5). Eventually they've pushed into each other to the point where they merge into one, in this state they are full metal, however we can see that the blobs are still moving, trying to push through one another (slide 6). The blobs eventually emerge from the other side after successfully pushing through each other and slowly turn back to their original states, the further from each other they get (slides 7-11).

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