Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lab 1: Introspective #251

I observed myself for one minute before and after leaving and arriving home. I took photos as I went and I wrote down what I was thinking about and wanted as soon as I had finished.

Leaving: Before: I was rushing, checked the time and I was late. My hair was sore because I just brushed it and it kept getting caught, I hate brushing wet hair. I decided I wouldn’t take food, I didn’t have enough time and I wouldn’t be at Uni that long anyway. I chucked my books in my bag, I had to think about if I had everything, i’m meeting a friend today to swap my hard drive and get a new book so I need those things. My bag doesn’t close so I force it shut, I love this bag except it doesn’t hold enough and the next sized bag I has is too big. I make sure I have my ipod, I leave it out with my phone. I pick them up and turn my light off, I say good bye to my little brother who’s in the kitchen. He gives me a hug, this makes me happy since I like hugs. I tell him he can finish my cordial, its black current flavor, he says its yum. I unlock the back door and leave.
Leaving: After: Got outside, ran over what I was doing today - class at 9.30, meeting friend at 11, hang out with my boyfriend till he starts work, maybe have a maya learning session. I think about staying at my boyfriends tonight, I could cook us chicken fried rice for tea with cashews. Yum. I have my ipod playing now, but rap is playing, I change the song and check the time. Im on track. Its a bit cold wish, i’d bought a different jersey since it will be colder in Wellington. 

Arriving: Before:

I was really scared because I don’t like dogs and after saying goodbye to my friend who lives down the road I ran into a big stray one which showed its teeth to me. I checked the mail, there was a newspaper and a dominos flyer, reminded me I had cold pizza in my boyfriends fridge leftover from our Tuesday pizza nights. I looked for specials for next week which i’m already really excited about. I miss my boyfriend and already want to see him again. I noticed that my parents were both home. I said hi to my cat who was under the car. My little brother had his bike out so that means everyones going to the 
BMX track. I thought about what we would 
be having for dinner. I searched for my keys in my bag, got irritated that it took ages, why is my bag so big and unorganized! 

Arriving: After:
Got inside, put down the mail, chucked my bag in my room, its clean but I think i should open my curtains a bit more. I was really hungry even though I had had pancakes for breakfast a few hours earlier so I went and looked at the fridge. There was ham and cheese so I decide to make my self a sandwich. My dad said that we were having toasties for dinner but I decide to have the sandwich anyway, i’m so hungry. I was thinking about who did the dishes last because they weren’t done well.

 I noticed that there were so many flies at the moment and that they are very irritating. I realized the bread is stale, but its brand new so I talk to my mum about it. I wonder if there’s any power on my laptop, I begin to stress about my power cable, its not working properly at the moment so I have to get a new one, 
its going to cost a lot and I don’t have much spare money. 

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